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Consider the following "proof" that any triangle is equilateral: Given a triangle \(ABC\), we first prove that \(AB = AC\). First let’s draw the bisector of the angle \(\angle A\). Now draw the perpendicular bisector of segment \(BC\), denote by \(D\) the middle of \(BC\) and by \(O\) the intersection of these lines. See the diagram
Draw the lines \(OR\) perpendicular to \(AB\) and \(OQ\) perpendicular to \(AC\). Draw lines \(OB\) and \(OC\). Then the triangles, \(RAO\) and \(QAO\) are equal, since we have equal angles \(\angle ORA = \angle OQA = 90°,\) and \(\angle RAO = \angle QAO,\) and the common side \(AO\). On the other hand the triangles \(ROB\) and \(QOC\) are also equal since the angles \(\angle BRO = \angle CQO = 90°\), the hypotenuses \(BO = OC\) the legs \(RO = OQ\). Thus, \(AR = AQ,\) \(RB = QC,\) and \(AB = AR + RB = AQ + QC = AC.\) Q.E.D.

As a corollary, one can show that all the triangles are equilateral, by showing that \(AB = BC\) in the same way.

Let’s prove the following statement: every graph without isolated vertices is connected.
Proof We use the induction on the number of vertices. Clearly the statement is true for graphs with \(2\) vertices. Now, assume we have proven the statement for graphs with up to \(n\) vertices.
Take a graph with \(n\) vertices by induction hypothesis it must be connected. Let’s add a non-isolated vertex to it. As this vertex is not isolated, it is connected to one of the other \(n\) vertices. But then the whole graph of \(n+1\) vertices is connected!

Nick has written in some order all the numbers \(1,2,...33\) at the vertices of a regular \(33\)-gon. His little sister Hannah assigned to each side of the \(33\)-gon the number equal to the sum of the numbers at the ends of that side. It turns out that Hannah obtained \(33\) consecutive numbers in certain order. Can you find an arrangement of numbers as written by Nick which lead to this situation?

Is it possible to arrange the numbers \(1,\, 2,\, ...,\, 50\) at the vertices and middles of the sides of a regular \(25\)-gon so that the sum of the three numbers at the ends and in the middle of each side is the same for all sides?

Draw a shape that can be cut into \(4\) copies of the figure on the left or into \(5\) copies of the figure on the right (the figures can be rotated).

A equilateral triangle made of paper bends in a straight line so that one of the vertices falls on the opposite side as shown on the picture. Prove that the corresponding angles of the two white triangles are equal.

Sometimes proof of a statement requires elaborate reasoning, but sometimes it enough to provide an example when the described construction works. Often enough the problem is asking whether an event is possible, or if an object exists under certain conditions making the existence seemingly unlikely, in such cases all you need to do is to provide an example to solve the problem. Today we will see how to construct such examples.

In a lot of geometric problems the main idea is to find congruent figures. We call two polygons congruent if all their corresponding sides and angles are equal. Triangles are the easiest sort of polygons to deal with. Assume we are given two triangles \(ABC\) and \(A_1B_1C_1\) and we need to check whether they are congruent or not, some rules that help are:

  • If all three corresponding sides of the triangles are equal, then the triangles are congruent.

  • If, in the given triangles \(ABC\) and \(A_1B_1C_1\), two corresponding sides \(AB=A_1B_1\), \(AC=A_1C_1\) and the angles between them \(\angle BAC = \angle B_1A_1C_1\) are equal, then the triangles are congruent.

  • If the sides \(AB=A_1B_1\) and pairs of the corresponding angles next to them \(\angle CAB = \angle C_1A_1B_1\) and \(\angle CBA = \angle C_1B_1A_1\) are equal, then the triangles are congruent.

At a previous geometry lesson we have derived these rules from the axioms of Euclidean geometry, so now we can just use them.

Sometimes a problem describes a certain process and asks you whether a certain result can be achieved through a series of repeated actions. How could we prove that such a result is impossible to obtain? One of the ways is to observe all the properties of the process that do not change after performing some action, or alternatively, properties that change in a predictable way. We call these properties "Invariants".

Coloring is a very neat technique in problems involving boards since it allows us to simplify the problem a great deal. The important part is focusing on an adequate subset of the squares, however doing it with colors is a lot easier.
The kinds of colorings can be very different and there is no general rule for determining which one is going to solve the problem. There are some colorings (such as a chessboard coloring) that are frequently used, but the only way to learn how to use this technique is by solving several problems of this style.
When the problem is related to pieces covering a certain figure, the “good colorings” are those that yield an invariant associated with the pieces. This can be the number of squares of one color they cover, the number of colors they may use, some parity argument, etc. Coloring is basically an illustrative way to describe invariants.