
Found: 1440

Decipher the puzzle: \(KIS + KSI = ISK\). The same letters correspond to the same numbers, different letters correspond to different numbers.

Ten people wanted to found a club. To do this, they need to collect a certain amount of entrance fees. If the organizers were five people more, then each of them would have to pay £100 less. How much money did each one pay?

Two tribes live on the island: natives and newcomers. It is known that the natives always tell the truth and the newcomers always lie. A traveler hired an indigenous islander as a guide. On the way, they met a man. The traveler asked the guide to find out which tribe this person belongs to. The guide returned and said that the man said that he was a native. Who was the guide – a native or a newcomer?

At the cat show, 10 male cats and 19 female cats sit in a row where next to each female cat sits a fatter male cat. Prove that next to each male cat is a female cat, which is thinner than it.

Among 40 containers there are two containers of different shapes and two containers of different colors. Prove that among them there are two containers that are both of different shapes and colors.

The vendor has a cup weighing scales with unequal shoulders and weights. First he weighs the goods on one cup, then on the other, and takes the average weight. Does he deceive customers?

A cube with a side of 1 m was sawn into cubes with a side of 1 cm and they were in a row (along a straight line). How long was the line?

In the race of six athletes, Andrew lagged behind Brian and two more athletes. Victor finished after Dennis, but before George. Dennis beat Brian, but still came after Eustace. What place did each athlete take?

Three friends were at the prom dressed in white, red and blue dresses. Their shoes were of the same three colors. Only Sarah’s shoes and dress were of the same color. Laura was wearing white shoes. Neither the dress nor the shoes of Linda were red. Identify the colors of the dresses and of the shoes of the three friends.