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There are two sets of numbers made up of 1s and \(-1\)s, and in each there are 2022 numbers. Prove that in some number of steps it is possible to turn the first set into the second one if for each step you are allowed to simultaneously change the sign of any 11 numbers of the starting set. (Two sets are considered the same if they have the same numbers in the same places.)

Note that if you turn over a sheet on which numbers are written, then the digits 0, 1, 8 will not change and the digits 6 and 9 will switch places, whilst the others will lose their meaning. How many nine-digit numbers exist that do not change when a sheet is turned over?

30 pupils in years 7 to 11 took part in the creation of 40 maths problems. Every possible pair of pupils in the same year created the same number of problems. Every possible pair of pupils in different years created a different number of problems. How many pupils created exactly one problem?

The number \(A\) is divisible by \(1, 2, 3, \dots , 9\). Prove that if \(2A\) is presented in the form of a sum of some natural numbers smaller than 10, \(2A= a_1 +a_2 +\dots +a_k\), then we can always choose some of the numbers \(a_1, a_2, \dots , a_k\) so that the sum of the chosen numbers is equal to \(A\).

Two people play a game with the following rules: one of them guesses a set of integers \((x_1, x_2, \dots , x_n)\) which are single-valued digits and can be either positive or negative. The second person is allowed to ask what is the sum \(a_1x_1 + \dots + a_nx_n\), where \((a_1, \dots ,a_n)\) is any set. What is the smallest number of questions for which the guesser recognizes the intended set?

Given \(n\) points that are connected by segments so that each point is connected to some other and there are no two points that would be connected in two different ways. Prove that the total number of segments is \(n - 1\).

120 unit squares are placed inside a \(20 \times 25\) rectangle. Prove that it will always be possible to place a circle with diameter 1 inside the rectangle, without it overlapping with any of the unit squares.

You are given \(7\) straight lines on a plane, no two of which are parallel. Prove that there will be two lines such that the angle between them is less than \(26^{\circ}\).

A system of points connected by segments is called “connected” if from each point one can go to any other one along these segments. Is it possible to connect five points to a connected system so that when erasing any segment, exactly two connected points systems are formed that are not related to each other? (We assume that in the intersection of the segments, the transition from one of them to another is impossible).

All of the integers from 1 to 64 are written in an \(8 \times 8\) table. Prove that in this case there are two adjacent numbers, the difference between which is not less than 5. (Numbers that are in cells which share a common side are called adjacent).