
Found: 1818

We often think of symmetry as a property of shapes. Another way of thinking about it is as something you do to an object which keeps the object looking the same. The example you’ve likely met is reflection. The other one that we’ll consider today is rotation. An important feature is that we consider ‘doing nothing’ as a symmetry - we call this the identity.

What are the symmetries of an isosceles triangle (which is not equilateral)?


What are the symmetries of the reduce-reuse-recycle symbol?


What are the symmetries of an equilateral triangle?


What are the symmetries of a rectangle (which is not a square)?


What are the symmetries of a rhombus (which isn’t a square)?


There are six symmetries of an equilateral triangle: three reflections, and three rotations (thinking of the identity as one the rotations). Label the three reflections \(s_1\), \(s_2\) and \(s_3\). Label the identity by \(e\), rotation by \(120^{\circ}\) as \(r_1\), and rotation by \(240^{\circ}\) clockwise as \(r_2\).

Note the following definition: Each symmetry has an inverse. Suppose we apply symmetry \(x\). Then there is some symmetry we can apply after \(x\), which means that overall, we’ve applied the identity. What are the inverses of \(r_1\) and \(s_1\)?

Think about the symmetries of an equilateral triangle. Is applying rotation by \(120^{\circ}\), and then reflecting in the vertical median the same as applying these two symmetries the other way around?

Let \(n\ge3\) be a positive integer. A regular \(n\)-gon is a polygon with \(n\) sides where every side has the same length, and every angle is the same. For example, a regular \(3\)-gon is an equilateral triangle, and a regular \(4\)-gon is a square.

What symmetries does a regular \(n\)-gon have, and how many?