
Found: 1440

Prove that in any group of 5 people there will be two who know the same number of people in that group.

Several football teams are taking part in a football tournament, where each team plays every other team exactly once. Prove that at any point in the tournament there will be two teams who have played exactly the same number of matches up to that point.

10 school students took part in a Mathematical Olympiad and solved 35 problems in total. It is known that there were students who solved exactly one problem, students who solved exactly two problems, and students who solved exactly three problems. Prove that there is a student who solved exactly 5 problems.

What is the maximum number of kings you could place on a chess board such that no two of them were attacking each other – that is, no two kings are on horizontally, vertically, or diagonally adjacent squares. Kings can move in any direction, but only one square at a time.

At the end of the month 5 workers were paid a total of £1,500 between them. Each wants to buy themselves a smartphone that costs £320. Prove that one of them will have to wait another month in order to do so.

Prove that within a group of \(51\) whole numbers there will be two whose difference of squares is divisible by \(100\).

A \(3\times 3\) square is filled with the numbers \(-1, 0, +1\). Prove that two of the 8 sums in all directions – each row, column, and diagonal – will be equal.

100 people are sitting around a round table. More than half of them are men. Prove that there are two males sitting opposite one another.