
Found: 2426

Four friends came to an ice-rink, each with her brother. They broke up into pairs and started skating. It turned out that in each pair the “gentleman” was taller than the “lady” and no one is skating with his sister. The tallest boy in the group was Sam Smith, Peter Potter, then Luisa Potter, Joe Simpson, Laura Simpson, Dan Caldwell, Jane Caldwell and Hannah Smith. Determine who skated with whom.

Fill the free cells of the “hexagon” (see the figure) with integers from 1 to 19 so that in all vertical and diagonal rows the sum of the numbers, in the same row, is the same.

Six sacks of gold coins were found on a sunken ship of the fourteenth century. In the first four bags, there were 60, 30, 20 and 15 gold coins. When the coins were counted in the remaining two bags, someone noticed that the number of coins in the bags has a certain sequence. Having taken this into consideration, could you say how many coins are in the fifth and sixth bags?