
Found: 2240

100 switched on and 100 switched off lights are randomly arranged in two boxes. Each flashlight has a button, the button of which turns off an illuminated flashlight and switches on a turned off flashlight. Your eyes are closed and you can not see if the flashlight is on. But you can move the flashlights from a box to another box and press the buttons on them. Think of a way to ensure that the burning flashlights in the boxes are equally split.

The function \(f (x)\) is defined for all real numbers, and for any \(x\) the equalities \(f (x + 2) = f (2 - x)\) and \(f (x + 7) = f (7 - x)\) are satisfied. Prove that \(f (x)\) is a periodic function.

Replace the letters with numbers (all digits must be different) so that the correct equality is obtained: \(A/ B/ C + D/ E/ F + G/ H/ I = 1\).

A tennis tournament takes place in a sports club. The rules of this tournament are as follows. The loser of the tennis match is eliminated (there are no draws in tennis). The pair of players for the next match is determined by a coin toss. The first match is judged by an external judge, and every other match must be judged by a member of the club who did not participate in the match and did not judge earlier. Could it be that there is no one to judge the next match?

10 children were each given a bowl with 100 pieces of pasta. However, these children did not want to eat and instead started to play. One of the children started to place one piece of pasta into every other child’s bowl. What is the least amount of transfers needed so that everyone has a different number of pieces of pasta in their bowl?

A pharmacist has three weights, with which he measured out and gave 100 g of iodine to one buyer, 101 g of honey to another, and 102 g of hydrogen peroxide to the third. He always placed the weights on one side of the scales, and the goods on the other. Could it be that each weight used is lighter than 90 grams?

Once upon a time there were twenty spies. Each of them wrote an accusation against ten of his colleagues. Prove that at least ten pairs of spies have told on each other.

George drew an empty table of size \(50 \times 50\) and wrote on top of each column and to the left of each row, a number. It turned out that all 100 written numbers are different, and 50 of them are rational, and the remaining 50 are irrational. Then, in each cell of the table, he wrote down the sum of the numbers written at the start of the corresponding row and column (“addition table”). What is the largest number of sums in this table that could be rational numbers?

Fred chose 2017 (not necessarily different) natural numbers \(a_1, a_2, \dots , a_{2017}\) and plays by himself in the following game. Initially, he has an unlimited supply of stones and 2017 large empty boxes. In one move Fred adds a1 stones to any box (at his choice), in any of the remaining boxes (of his choice) – \(a_2\) stones, ..., finally, in the remaining box – \(a_{2017}\) stones. His purpose is to ensure that eventually all the boxes have an equal number of stones. Could he have chosen the numbers so that the goal could be achieved in 43 moves, but is impossible for a smaller non-zero number of moves?