
Found: 2240

Once Alice was in one of two countries – A or Z. She knows that all of the residents of country A always tell the truth, and all the inhabitants of country Z always lie. Moreover, they often go to visit each other. Can Alice, after asking a single question to the first person that she meets, find out which country she is in?

Cowboy Joe was sentenced to death in an electric chair. He knows that out of two electric chairs standing in a special cell, one is defective. In addition, Joe knows that if he sits on this faulty chair, the penalty will not be repeated and he will be pardoned. He also knows that the guard guarding the chairs on every other day tells the truth to every question and on the alternate days he answers incorrectly to every question. The sentenced person is allowed to ask the guard exactly one question, after which it is necessary to choose which electric chair to sit on. What question can Joe ask the guard to find out for sure which chair is faulty?

In an ordinary set of dominoes, there are 28 tiles. How many tiles would a set of dominoes contain if the values indicated on the tiles did not range from 0 to 6, but from 0 to 12?

What are the eight coins you need to take, so that you can use them to pay without change any amount from 1 pence up to 1 pound?

(In circulation at the time, there were coins of 1, 3, 5, 10, 20 and 50 pence).

The director of a power plant, considering the list of phone numbers and the names of his employees, noticed a certain relationship between names and phone numbers. Here are some names and phone numbers from the list:

Achinskiy 9125

Butenko 7215

Dapin 5414

Galick 6711

Martyanof 9136

Romidze 7185

What is the phone number of an employee named Ognef?

Harry, Jack and Fred were seated so that Harry could see Jack and Fred, Jack could only see Fred, and Fred could not see anyone. Then, from a bag which contained two white caps and three black caps (the contents of the bag were known to the boys), they took out and each put on a cap of an unknown color, and the other two hats remained in the sack. Harry said that he could not determine the color of his hat. Jack heard Harry’s statement and said that he did not have enough information to determine the color of his hat. Could Fred on the basis of these answers determine the color of his cap?

It is known that in January there are four Fridays and four Mondays. What day of the week is January 1st?

A class contains 38 pupils. Prove that within the class there will be at least 4 pupils born in the same month.

In the town of Ely, all the families have separate houses. On one fine day, each family moved into another, one of the houses house that used to be occupied by other families. They afterwards decided to paint all houses in red, blue or green colors in such a way that for each family the colour of the new and old houses would not match. Is this always possible to paint te houses in such a way, regardless of how families decided to move?

Find out the principles by which the numbers are depicted in the tables (shown in the figures below) and insert the missing number into the first table, and remove the extra number from the second table.