
Found: 2167

Each number denotes the area of a rectangle it is written into. What is the area of the last rectangle?


Divide the trapezium into two parts such that they can be reassembled to make a triangle

In a square \(ABHI\) two smaller squares are drawn: \(ACFG\) with area equal to \(16\) and \(BCED\) with area equal to \(4\). Find the area of hexagon \(DEFGIH\).

If each of the small squares has an area of \(1\), what is the area of the triangle?

Divide the parallelogram into two parts such that they can be reassembled to make a triangle.

Cut a triangle into three parts, which can be reassembled into a rectangle.

On the diagram each number denotes the area of a rectangle it is written into. What are the areas of the other rectangles?


Draw any quadrilateral with all sides of different length and divide it into \(5\) polygons of equal area.

Line \(AB\) is parallel to line \(CD\) and line \(AD\) is parallel to line \(BE\). Show that triangles \(ADE\) and \(ABC\) have equal areas.
