
Found: 1912

In Mexico, environmentalists have succeeded in enacting a law whereby every car should not be driven at least one day a week (the owner informs the police about their car registration number and the day of the week when this car will not be driven). In a certain family, all adults want to travel daily (each for their own business!). How many cars (at least) should the family have, if the family has a) 5 adults? b) 8 adults?

A globe has 17 parallels and 24 meridians. How many parts is the globe’s surface divided into? The meridian is an arc connecting the North Pole with the South Pole. A parallel is a circle parallel to the equator (the equator is also a parallel).

In the line of numbers and signs \({}* 1 * 2 * 4 * 8 * 16 * 32 * 64 = 27\) position the signs “\(+\)” or “\(-\)” instead of the signs “\(*\)”, so that the equality becomes true.

The code of lock is a two-digit number. Ben forgot the code, but he remembers that the sum of the digits of this number, combined with their product, is equal to the number itself. Write all possible code options so that Ben could open the lock quickly.

Ben and Joe play chess. In addition to a chessboard, they have one rook, which they put in the lower right corner, and they move it in turns. It can only be moved upwards or to the left (for any number of cells). The player who can not make a move, loses. Joe goes first. Who will win with the correct method?

Prove that if 21 people collected 200 nuts between them, there are two people in the group who collected the same number of nuts.

There are \(n\) integers. Prove that among them either there are several numbers whose sum is divisible by \(n\) or there is one number divisible by \(n\) itself.

In Mongolia there are in circulation coins of 3 and 5 tugriks. An entrance ticket to the central park costs 4 tugriks. One day before the opening of the park, a line of 200 visitors queued up in front of the ticket booth. Each of them, as well as the cashier, has exactly 22 tugriks. Prove that all of the visitors will be able to buy a ticket in the order of the queue.