
Found: 1912

Is it possible to place 12 identical coins along the edges of a square box so that touching each edge there were exactly: a) 2 coins, b) 3 coins, c) 4 coins, d) 5 coins, e) 6 coins, f) 7 coins.

You are allowed to place coins on top of one another. In the cases where it is possible, draw how this could be done. In the other cases, prove that doing so is impossible.

In a class there are 50 children. Some of the children know all the letters except “h” and they miss this letter out when writing. The rest know all the letters except “c” which they also miss out. One day the teacher asked 10 of the pupils to write the word “cat”, 18 other pupils to write “hat” and the rest to write the word “chat”. The words “cat” and “hat” each ended up being written 15 times. How many of the pupils wrote their word correctly?

The student did not notice the multiplication sign between two three-digit numbers and wrote one six-digit number, which turned out to be seven times bigger than their product. Determine these numbers.

The student did not notice the multiplication sign between two seven-digit numbers and wrote one fourteen-digit number, which turned out to be three times bigger than their product. Determine these numbers.

Each of the 1994 deputies in parliament slapped exactly one of his colleagues. Prove that it is possible to draw up a parliamentary commission of 665 people whose members did not clarify the relationship between themselves in the manner indicated above.

A cherry which is a ball of radius r is dropped into a round glass whose axial section is the graph of the function \(y = x^4\). At what maximum r will the ball touch the most bottom point of the bottom of the glass? (In other words, what is the maximum radius r of a circle lying in the region \(y \geq x^4\) and containing the origin?).

Cut the interval \([-1, 1]\) into black and white segments so that the integrals of any a) linear function; b) a square trinomial in white and black segments are equal.

  • Eight schoolchildren solved \(8\) tasks. It turned out that \(5\) schoolchildren solved each problem. Prove that there are two schoolchildren, who solved every problem at least once.

  • If each problem is solved by \(4\) pupils, prove that it is not necessary to have two schoolchildren who would solve each problem.

The centres of all unit squares are marked in a \(10 \times 10\) chequered box (100 points in total). What is the smallest number of lines, that are not parallel to the sides of the square, that are needed to be drawn to erase all of the marked points?