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Replace \(a, b\) and \(c\) with integers not equal to \(1\) in the equality \((ay^b)^c = - 64y^6\), so it would become an identity.

Sarah believes that two watermelons are heavier than three melons, Anna believes that three watermelons are heavier than four melons. It is known that one of the girls is right, and the other is mistaken. Is it true that 12 watermelons are heavier than 18 melons? (It is believed that all watermelons weigh the same and all melons weigh the same.)

A row of 4 coins lies on the table. Some of the coins are real and some of them are fake (the ones which weigh less than the real ones). It is known that any real coin lies to the left of any false coin. How can you determine whether each of the coins on the table is real or fake, by weighing once using a balance scale?

With a non-zero number, the following operations are allowed: \(x \rightarrow \frac{1+x}{x}\), \(x \rightarrow \frac{1-x}{x}\). Is it true that from every non-zero rational number one can obtain each rational number with the help of a finite number of such operations?

Find all functions \(f (x)\) defined for all positive \(x\), taking positive values and satisfying the equality \(f (x^y) = f (x)^f (y)\) for any positive \(x\) and \(y\).

What is the largest number of counters that can be put on the cells of a chessboard so that on each horizontal, vertical and diagonal (not only on the main ones) there is an even number of counters?

Seven triangular pyramids stand on the table. For any three of them, there is a horizontal plane that intersects them along triangles of equal area. Prove that there is a plane intersecting all seven pyramids along triangles of equal area.

On a particular day it turned out that every person living in a particular city made no more than one phone call. Prove that it is possible to divide the population of this city into no more than three groups, so that within each group no person spoke to any other by telephone.

The function \(f (x)\) is defined and satisfies the relationship \((x-1) f((x=1)/(x-1)) - f (x) = x\) for all \(x \neq 1\). Find all such functions.