
Found: 2240

An \(8 \times 8\) square is painted in two colours. You can repaint any \(1 \times 3\) rectangle in its predominant colour. Prove that such operations can make the whole square monochrome.

Some person \(A\) thought of a number from 1 to 15. Some person \(B\) asks some questions to which you can answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Can \(B\) guess the number by asking a) 4 questions; b) 3 questions.

a) In a group of 4 people, who speak different languages, any three of them can communicate with one another; perhaps by one translating for two others. Prove that it is always possible to split them into pairs so that the two members of every pair have a common language.

b) The same, but for a group of 100 people.

c) The same, but for a group of 102 people.

12 teams played a volleyball tournament in one round. Two teams scored exactly 7 wins.

Prove that there are teams \(A\), \(B\), \(C\) where \(A\) won against \(B\), \(B\) won against \(C\), and \(C\) won against \(A\).

The numbers from 1 to 9999 are written out in a row. How can I remove 100 digits from this row so that the remaining number is a) maximal b) minimal?

There are two identical gears with 14 teeth on a common shaft. They are aligned and four pairs of teeth are removed.

Prove that the gears can be rotated so that they form a complete gear (one containing no gaps).

If a class of 30 children is seated in the auditorium of a cinema there will always be at least one row containing no fewer than two classmates. If we do the same with a class of 26 children then at least three rows will be empty. How many rows are there in the cinema?

In order to glaze 15 windows of different shapes and sizes, 15 pieces of glass are prepared exactly for the size of the windows (windows are such that each window should have one glass). The glazier, not knowing that the glass is specifically selected for the size of each window, works like this: he approaches a certain window and sorts out the unused glass until he finds one that is large enough (that is, either an exactly suitable piece or one from which the right size can be cut), if there is no such glass, he goes to the next window, and so on, until he has assessed each window. It is impossible to make glass from several parts. What is the maximum number of windows which can be left unglazed?

Is it possible to draw five lines from one point on a plane so that there are exactly four acute angles among the angles formed by them? Angles between not only neighboring rays, but between any two rays, can be considered.