
Found: 2085

On a line, there are 50 segments. Prove that either it is possible to find some 8 segments all of which have a shared intersection, or there can be found 8 segments, no two of which intersect.

It is known that \[35! = 10333147966386144929 * 66651337523200000000.\] Find the number replaced by an asterisk.

10 people collected a total of 46 mushrooms in a forest. It is known that no two people collected the same number of mushrooms. How many mushrooms did each person collect?

10 magazines lie on a coffee table, completely covering it. Prove that you can remove five of them so that the remaining magazines will cover at least half of the table.

Prove that the infinite decimal \(0.1234567891011121314 \dots\) (after the decimal point, all of the natural numbers are written out in order) is an irrational number.

There are \(n\) cities in a country. Between each two cities an air service is established by one of two airlines. Prove that out of these two airlines at least one is such that from any city you can get to any other city whilst traveling on flights only of this airline.

Three people play table tennis, and the player who lost the game gives way to the player who did not participate in it. As a result, it turned out that the first player played 10 games and the second played 21 games. How many games did the third player play?

In the secret service, there are \(n\) agents – 001, 002, ..., 007, ..., \(n\). The first agent monitors the one who monitors the second, the second monitors the one who monitors the third, etc., the nth monitors the one who monitors the first. Prove that \(n\) is an odd number.

In a square which has sides of length 1 there are 100 figures, the total area of which sums to more than 99. Prove that in the square there is a point which belongs to all of these figures.