
Found: 1679

Does there exist a natural number which, when divided by the sum of its digits, gives a quotient and remainder both equal to the number 2011?

Of the four inequalities \(2x > 70\), \(x < 100\), \(4x > 25\) and \(x > 5\), two are true and two are false. Find the value of \(x\) if it is known that it is an integer.

Two ants crawled along their own closed route on a \(7\times7\) board. Each ant crawled only on the sides of the cells of the board and visited each of the 64 vertices of the cells exactly once. What is the smallest possible number of cell edges, along which both the first and second ants crawled?

101 random points are chosen inside a unit square, including on the edges of the square, so that no three points lie on the same straight line. Prove that there exist some triangles with vertices on these points, whose area does not exceed 0.01.

In six baskets there are pears, plums and apples. The number of plums in each basket is equal to the total number of apples in the other baskets. The number of apples in each basket is equal to the total number of pears in the other baskets. Prove that the total number of fruits is divisible by 31.

The function \(f (x)\) is defined on the positive real \(x\) and takes only positive values. It is known that \(f (1) + f (2) = 10\) and \(f(a+b) = f(a) + f(b) + 2\sqrt{f(a)f(b)}\) for any \(a\) and \(b\). Find \(f (2^{2011})\).

On a chessboard, \(n\) white and \(n\) black rooks are arranged so that the rooks of different colours cannot capture one another. Find the greatest possible value of \(n\).

Suppose that: \[\frac{x+y}{x-y}+\frac{x-y}{x+y} =3.\] Find the value of the following expression: \[\frac{x^2 +y^2}{x^2-y^2} + \frac{x^2 -y^2}{x^2+y^2}.\]