
Found: 1755

Two people take turns placing bishops on a chessboard such that the bishops cannot attack each other. Here, the colour of the bishops does not matter. (Note: bishops move and attack diagonally.) Which player wins the game, if the right strategy is used?

30 people vote on five proposals. In how many ways can the votes be distributed if everyone votes only for one proposal and only the number of votes cast for each proposal is taken into account?

a) they have 10 vertices, the degree of each of which is equal to 9?

b) they have 8 vertices, the degree of each of which is equal to 3?

c) are they connected, without cycles and contain 6 edges?

On the plane 100 circles are given, which make up a connected figure (that is, not falling apart into pieces). Prove that this figure can be drawn without taking the pencil off of the paper and going over any line twice.

Each of the 102 pupils of one school is friends with at least 68 others. Prove that among them there are four who have the same number of friends.