
Found: 1755

Prove that for any number \(d\), which is not divisible by \(2\) or by \(5\), there is a number whose decimal notation contains only ones and which is divisible by \(d\).

Some open sectors – that is sectors of circles with infinite radii – completely cover a plane. Prove that the sum of the angles of these sectors is no less than \(360^\circ\).

Two people toss a coin: one tosses it 10 times, the other – 11 times. What is the probability that the second person’s coin showed heads more times than the first?

A spherical planet is surrounded by 25 point asteroids. Prove, that at any given moment there will be a point on the surface of the planet from which an astronomer will not be able to see more than 11 asteroids.

It is known that in a convex \(n\)-gon (\(n > 3\)) no three diagonals pass through one point. Find the number of points (other than the vertex) where pairs of diagonals intersect.

On a line, there are 50 segments. Prove that either it is possible to find some 8 segments all of which have a shared intersection, or there can be found 8 segments, no two of which intersect.

10 magazines lie on a coffee table, completely covering it. Prove that you can remove five of them so that the remaining magazines will cover at least half of the table.

Prove that the infinite decimal \(0.1234567891011121314 \dots\) (after the decimal point, all of the natural numbers are written out in order) is an irrational number.