
Found: 1330

David and Esther play the following game. Initially, there are three piles, each containing 1000 stones. The players take turns to make a move, with David going first. Each move consists of choosing one of the piles available, removing the unchosen pile(s) from the game, and then dividing the chosen pile into 2 or 3 non-empty piles. A player loses the game if they are unable to make a move. Prove that Esther can always win the game, no matter how David plays.

The Tour de Clochemerle is not yet as big as the rival Tour de France. This year there were five riders, Arouet, Barthes, Camus, Diderot and Eluard, who took part in five stages. The winner of each stage got \(5\) points, the runner up \(4\) points and so on down to the last rider who got \(1\) point. The total number of points acquired over the five states was the rider’s score. Each rider obtained a different score overall and the riders finished the whole tour in alphabetical order with Arouet gaining a magnificent 24 points. Camus showed consistency by gaining the same position in four of the five stages and Eluard’s rather dismal performance was relieved by a third place in the fourth stage and first place in the final stage.

Where did Barthes come in the final stage?

Norman painted the plane using two colours: red and yellow. Both colours are used at least once. Show that no matter how Norman does this, there is a red point and a yellow point exactly \(1\)cm apart.

Two players are playing a game. The first player is thinking of a finite sequence of positive integers \(a_1\), \(a_2\), ..., \(a_n\). The second player can try to find the first player’s sequence by naming their own sequence \(b_1\), \(b_2\), ..., \(b_n\). After this, the first player will give the result \(a_1b_1 + a_2b_2 + ...+a_nb_n\). Then the second player can say another sequence \(c_1\), \(c_2\), ..., \(c_n\) to get another answer \(a_1c_1+ a_2c_2 + ... +a_nc_n\) from the first player. Find the smallest number of sequences the second player has to name to find out the sequence \(a_1\), \(a_2\), ..., \(a_n\).

The letters \(A\), \(R\), \(S\) and \(T\) represent different digits from \(1\) to \(9\). The same letters correspond to the same digits, while different letters correspond to different digits.
Find \(ART\), given that \(ARTS+STAR=10,T31\).

Dario is making a pizza. He has the option to choose from \(3\) different types of flatbread, \(4\) different types of cheese and \(2\) different sauces. How many different pizzas can he make?

Determine the number of \(4\)-digit numbers that are composed entirely of distinct even digits.

There are \(10\) boys that need to be arranged in a line. Two of these boys are brothers, who need to have an even number of other boys between them. How many possible arrangements are there?

Steve, a student, has discovered that he lost most of his socks, and as a result, none of them match anymore. He has \(4\) black right socks, \(6\) blue right socks, \(8\) black left socks, and \(5\) blue left socks. Additionally, he has \(2\) pairs of blue trousers and \(3\) pairs of black trousers. Steve wants to ensure that his clothing items match in colour, so they desire to have left socks, right socks, and trousers of the same colour. How many different ways can Steve dress up given these conditions?