
Found: 891

Two people toss a coin: one tosses it 10 times, the other – 11 times. What is the probability that the second person’s coin showed heads more times than the first?

Construct a function defined at all points on a real line which is continuous at exactly one point.

Every point in a plane, which has whole-number co-ordinates, is plotted in one of \(n\) colours. Prove that there will be a rectangle made out of 4 points of the same colour.

Prove that multiplying the polynomial \((x + 1)^{n-1}\) by any polynomial different from zero, we obtain a polynomial having at least \(n\) nonzero coefficients.

One of \(n\) prizes is embedded in each chewing gum pack, where each prize has probability \(1/n\) of being found.

How many packets of gum, on average, should I buy to collect the full collection prizes?

Every evening Ross arrives at a random time to the bus stop. Two bus routes stop at this bus stop. One of the routes takes Ross home, and the other takes him to visit his friend Rachel. Ross is waiting for the first bus and depending on which bus arrives, he goes either home or to his friend’s house. After a while, Ross noticed that he is twice as likely to visit Rachel than to be at home. Based on this, Ross concludes that one of the buses runs twice as often as the other. Is he right? Can buses run at the same frequency when the condition of the task is met? (It is assumed that buses do not run randomly, but on a certain schedule).

When boarding a plane, a line of \(n\) passengers was formed, each of whom has a ticket for one of the \(n\) places. The first in the line is a crazy old man. He runs onto the plane and sits down in a random place (perhaps, his own). Then passengers take turns to take their seats, and in the case that their place is already occupied, they sit randomly on one of the vacant seats. What is the probability that the last passenger will take his assigned seat?