
Found: 890

The number \(x\) is such that both the sums \(S = \sin 64x + \sin 65x\) and \(C = \cos 64x + \cos 65x\) are rational numbers.

Prove that in both of these sums, both terms are rational.

Author: A.K. Tolpygo

An irrational number \(\alpha\), where \(0 <\alpha <\frac 12\), is given. It defines a new number \(\alpha_1\) as the smaller of the two numbers \(2\alpha\) and \(1 - 2\alpha\). For this number, \(\alpha_2\) is determined similarly, and so on.

a) Prove that for some \(n\) the inequality \(\alpha_n <3/16\) holds.

b) Can it be that \(\alpha_n> 7/40\) for all positive integers \(n\)?

Let’s call a natural number good if in its decimal record we have the numbers 1, 9, 7, 3 in succession, and bad if otherwise. (For example, the number 197,639,917 is bad and the number 116,519,732 is good.) Prove that there exists a positive integer \(n\) such that among all \(n\)-digit numbers (from \(10^{n-1}\) to \(10^{n-1}\)) there are more good than bad numbers.

Try to find the smallest possible \(n\).

An infinite sequence of digits is given. Prove that for any natural number \(n\) that is relatively prime with a number 10, you can choose a group of consecutive digits, which when written as a sequence of digits, gives a resulting number written by these digits which is divisible by \(n\).

The triangle \(C_1C_2O\) is given. Within it the bisector \(C_2C_3\) is drawn, then in the triangle \(C_2C_3O\) – bisector \(C_3C_4\) and so on. Prove that the sequence of angles \(\gamma_n = C_{n + 1}C_nO\) tends to a limit, and find this limit if \(C_1OC_2 = \alpha\).

The equations \[ax^2 + bx + c = 0 \tag{1}\] and \[- ax^2 + bx + c \tag{2}\] are given. Prove that if \(x_1\) and \(x_2\) are, respectively, any roots of the equations (1) and (2), then there is a root \(x_3\) of the equation \(\frac 12 ax^2 + bx + c\) such that either \(x_1 \leq x_3 \leq x_2\) or \(x_1 \geq x_3 \geq x_2\).

Prove that if \(x_0^4 + a_1x_0^3 + a_2x_0^2 + a_3x_0 + a_4\) and \(4x_0^3 + 3a_1x_0^2 + 2a_2x_0 + a_3 = 0\) then \(x^4 + a_1x^3 + a_2x^2 + a_3x + a_4\) is divisible by \((x - x_0)^2\).