
Found: 1890

Andrew drives his car at a speed of 60 km/h. He wants to travel every kilometre 1 minute faster. By how much should he increase his speed?

A tourist walked 3.5 hours, and for every period of time, in one hour, he walked exactly 5 km. Does this mean that his average speed is 5 km/h?

One of the four angles formed when two straight lines intersect is \(41^{\circ}\). What are the other three angles equal to?

Let \(AA_1\) and \(BB_1\) be the heights of the triangle \(ABC\). Prove that the triangles \(A_1B_1C\) and \(ABC\) are similar.

The bisector of the outer corner at the vertex \(C\) of the triangle \(ABC\) intersects the circumscribed circle at the point \(D\). Prove that \(AD = BD\).

The vertex \(A\) of the acute-angled triangle \(ABC\) is connected by a segment with the center \(O\) of the circumscribed circle. The height \(AH\) is drawn from the vertex \(A\). Prove that \(\angle BAH = \angle OAC\).

The vertex \(A\) of the acute-angled triangle \(ABC\) is connected by a segment with the center \(O\) of the circumscribed circle. The height \(AH\) is drawn from the vertex \(A\). Prove that \(\angle BAH = \angle OAC\).

From an arbitrary point \(M\) lying within a given angle with vertex \(A\), the perpendiculars \(MP\) and \(MQ\) are dropped to the sides of the angle. From point \(A\), the perpendicular \(AK\) is dropped to the segment \(PQ\). Prove that \(\angle PAK = \angle MAQ\).

Prove that from the point \(C\) lying outside of the circle we can draw exactly two tangents to the circle and the lengths of these tangents (that is, the distance from \(C\) to the points of tangency) are equal.