
Found: 1890

10 friends sent one another greetings cards; each sent 5 cards. Prove that there will be two friends who sent cards to one another.

In a certain kingdom there were 32 knights. Some of them were vassals of others (a vassal can have only one suzerain, and the suzerain is always richer than his vassal). A knight with at least four vassals is given the title of Baron. What is the largest number of barons that can exist under these conditions?

(In the kingdom the following law is enacted: “the vassal of my vassal is not my vassal”).

A gang contains 101 gangsters. The whole gang has never taken part in a raid together, but every possible pair of gangsters have taken part in a raid together exactly once. Prove that one of the gangsters has taken part in no less than 11 different raids.

Sage thought of the sum of some three natural numbers, and the Patricia thought about their product.

“If I knew,” said Sage, “that your number is greater than mine, then I would immediately name the three numbers that are needed.”

“My number is smaller than yours,” Patricia answered, “and the numbers you want are ..., ... and ....”

What numbers did Patricia name?

Initially, a natural number \(A\) is written on a board. You are allowed to add to it one of its divisors, distinct from itself and one. With the resulting number you are permitted to perform a similar operation, and so on.

Prove that from the number \(A = 4\) one can, with the help of such operations, come to any given in advance composite number.

A student did not notice the multiplication sign between two three-digit numbers and wrote one six-digit number. The result was three times greater.

Find these numbers.

There is a chocolate bar with five longitudinal and eight transverse grooves, along which it can be broken (in total into \(9 * 6 = 54\) squares). Two players take part, in turns. A player in his turn breaks off the chocolate bar a strip of width 1 and eats it. Another player who plays in his turn does the same with the part that is left, etc. The one who breaks a strip of width 2 into two strips of width 1 eats one of them, and the other is eaten by his partner. Prove that the first player can act in such a way that he will get at least 6 more chocolate squares than the second player.

A village infant school has 20 pupils. If we pick any two pupils they will have a shared granddad.

Prove that one of the granddads has no fewer than 14 grandchildren who are pupils at this school.

During the ball every young man danced the waltz with a girl, who was either more beautiful than the one he danced with during the previous dance, or more intelligent, but most of the men (at least 80%) – with a girl who was at the same time more beautiful and more intelligent. Could this happen? (There was an equal number of boys and girls at the ball.)