
Found: 1890

All of the points with whole number co-ordinates in a plane are plotted in one of three colours; all three colours are present. Prove that there will always be possible to form a right-angle triangle from these points so that its vertices are of three different colours.

A regular hexagon with sides of length \(5\) is divided by straight lines, that are parallel to its sides, to form regular triangles with sides of length 1. We call the vertices of all such triangles nodes. It is known that more than half of the nodes are marked. Prove that there are five marked nodes lying on one circle.

Members of the State parliament formed factions in such a way that for any two factions \(A\) and \(B\) (not necessarily different)


– also a faction (through


the set of all parliament members not included in \(C\) is denoted). Prove that for any two factions \(A\) and \(B\), \(A \cup % \includegraphics{} B\) is also a faction.

A target consists of a triangle divided by three families of parallel lines into 100 equilateral unit triangles. A sniper shoots at the target. He aims at a particular equilateral triangle and either hits it or hits one of the adjacent triangles that share a side with the one he was aiming for. He can see the results of his shots and can choose when to stop shooting. What is the largest number of triangles that the sniper can guarantee he can hit exactly 5 times?

Can the cells of a \(5 \times 5\) board be painted in 4 colours so that the cells located at the intersection of any two rows and any two columns are painted in at least three colours?

Is it possible to arrange the numbers 1, 2, ..., 60 in a circle in such an order that the sum of every two numbers, between which lies one number, is divisible by 2, the sum of every two numbers between which lie two numbers, is divisible by 3, the sum of every two numbers between which lie six numbers, is divisible by 7?

A set of weights has the following properties: It contains \(5\) weights, which are all different in weight. For any two weights, there are two other weights of the same total weight. What is the smallest number of weights that can be in this set?

Five teams participated in a football tournament. Each team had to play exactly one match with each of the other teams. Due to financial difficulties, the organisers cancelled some of the games. As a result, it turned out that all teams scored a different number of points and no team scored zero points. What is the smallest number of games that could be played in the tournament, if three points were awarded for a victory, one for a draw and zero for a defeat?

Natural numbers from 1 to 200 are divided into 50 sets. Prove that in one of the sets there are three numbers that are the lengths of the sides of a triangle.

Peter has some coins in his pocket. If Peter pulls \(3\) coins from his pocket, without looking, there will always be a £1 coin among them. If Peter pulls \(4\) coins from his pocket, without looking, there will always be a £2 coin among them. Peter pulls \(5\) coins from his pocket. Identify these coins.