
Found: 1890

The total age of a group of 7 people is 332 years. Prove that it is possible to choose three members of this group so that the sum of their ages is no less than 142 years.

Prove that within a group of \(51\) whole numbers there will be two whose difference of squares is divisible by \(100\).

A \(3\times 3\) square is filled with the numbers \(-1, 0, +1\). Prove that two of the 8 sums in all directions – each row, column, and diagonal – will be equal.

100 people are sitting around a round table. More than half of them are men. Prove that there are two males sitting opposite one another.

The numbers \(1, 2, \dots , 9\) are divided into three groups. Prove that the product of the numbers in one of the groups will always be no less than 72.

Some whole numbers are placed into a \(10\times 10\) table, so that the difference between any two neighbouring, horizontally or vertically adjacent, squares is no greater than 5. Prove that there will always be two identical numbers in the table.

Prove that in any group of 6 people there are either three pairs of people who know one another, or three pairs of people who do not know one another.

A warehouse contains 200 boots of each of the sizes 8, 9, and 10. Amongst these 600 boots, 300 are left boots and 300 are right boots. Prove that there are at least 100 usable pairs of boots in the warehouse.