
Found: 1506

Prove the following formulae are true: \[\begin{aligned} a^{n + 1} - b^{n + 1} &= (a - b) (a^n + a^{n-1}b + \dots + b^n);\\ a^{2n + 1} + b^{2n + 1} &= (a + b) (a^{2n} - a^{2n-1}b + a^{2n-2}b^2 - \dots + b^{2n}). \end{aligned}\]

Prove the equalities:

a) \(\overline{z+w} = \overline{z} + \overline{w}\); b) \(\overline{zw} = \overline{z} \overline{w}\); c) \(\overline{\frac{z}{w}} = \frac{\overline{z}}{\overline{w}}\); d) \(|\overline{z}| = |z|\); d) \(\overline{\overline{z}} = z\).

Prove the equalities:

a) \(z + \overline {z} = 2 \operatorname{Re} z\);

b) \(z - \overline {z} = 2i \operatorname{Im} z\);

c) \(\overline {z} z = |z|^2\).

Let \(z_1\) and \(z_2\) be fixed points of a complex plane. Give a geometric description of the sets of all points \(z\) that satisfy the conditions:

a) \(\operatorname{arg} \frac{z - z_1}{z - z_2} = 0\);

b) \(\operatorname{arg} \frac{z_1 - z}{z - z_2} = 0\).

Prove the formulae: \(\arcsin (- x) = - \arcsin x\), \(\arccos (- x) = \pi - \arccos x\).

Prove that for a monotonically increasing function \(f (x)\) the equations \(x = f (f (x))\) and \(x = f (x)\) are equivalent.