
Found: 1506

It is known that \(a = x+y + \sqrt{xy}\), \(b = y + z + \sqrt{yz}\), \(c = x + z + \sqrt{xz}\). where \(x > 0\), \(y > 0\), \(z > 0\). Prove that \(a + b + \sqrt{ab} > c\).

Author: A.A. Egorov

Calculate the square root of the number \(0.111 \dots 111\) (100 ones) to within a) 100; b) 101; c)* 200 decimal places.

A quadrilateral is given; \(A\), \(B\), \(C\), \(D\) are the successive midpoints of its sides, \(P\) and \(Q\) are the midpoints of its diagonals. Prove that the triangle \(BCP\) is equal to the triangle \(ADQ\).

How can you arrange the numbers \(5/177\), \(51/19\) and \(95/9\) and the arithmetical operators “\(+\)”, “\(-\)”, “\(\times\)” and “\(\div\)” such that the result is equal to 2006? Note: you can use the given numbers and operators more than once.

The segment \(OA\) is given. From the end of the segment \(A\) there are 5 segments \(AB_1, AB_2, AB_3, AB_4, AB_5\). From each point \(B_i\) there can be five more new segments or not a single new segment, etc. Can the number of free ends of the constructed segments be 1001? By the free end of a segment we mean a point belonging to only one segment (except point \(O\)).

Note that if you turn over a sheet on which numbers are written, then the digits 0, 1, 8 will not change and the digits 6 and 9 will switch places, whilst the others will lose their meaning. How many nine-digit numbers exist that do not change when a sheet is turned over?

Given \(n\) points that are connected by segments so that each point is connected to some other and there are no two points that would be connected in two different ways. Prove that the total number of segments is \(n - 1\).

A system of points connected by segments is called “connected” if from each point one can go to any other one along these segments. Is it possible to connect five points to a connected system so that when erasing any segment, exactly two connected points systems are formed that are not related to each other? (We assume that in the intersection of the segments, the transition from one of them to another is impossible).

In order to encrypt telegraph signals it is necessary to divide every possible 10 character ‘word’ – an arrangement of 10 dots and dashes – into two groups, so that any two words in the same group differed by no fewer than three characters. Find a method of doing this or prove that no such method exists.