
Found: 1503

Let’s prove that \(1=2\). Take a number \(a\) and suppose \(b=a\). After multiplying both sides we have \(a^2=ab\). Subtract \(b^2\) from both sides to get \(a^2-b^2=ab-b^2\). The left hand side is a difference of two squares so \((a-b)(a+b)=b(a-b)\). We can cancel out \(a-b\) and obtain that \(a+b=b\). But remember from the start that \(a=b\), so substituting \(a\) for \(b\) we see that \(2b=b\), dividing by \(b\) we see that \(2=1\).

In how many ways can you read the word TRAIN from the picture below, starting from T and going either down or right at each step?

John drunk a \(\frac16\) of a full cup of black coffee and then filled the cup back up with milk. Then he drunk a third of what he had in the cup. Then, he refilled it back to full with milk again, and after that, drunk a half of the cup. Finally, he once again refilled the cup with milk and drunk everything he had. What did he drink more of - coffee or milk?

A round necklace contains \(45\) beads of two different colours: red and blue. Show that it is possible to find two beads of the same colour next to each other.

Cut this figure into \(4\) identical shapes. (Note: you have to use the entire shape. Rotations and reflections count as identical shapes)

Find the last two digits of the number \[33333333333333333347^4 - 11111111111111111147^4\]

Replace all stars with ”+” or ”\(\times\)” signs so the equation holds: \[1*2*3*4*5*6=100\] Extra brackets may be added if necessary. Please write down the expression into the answer box.

In how many ways can one change \(\pounds 2\) into coins worth \(50\)p, \(20\)p and \(10\)p? One does not necessarily need to use all available coin types, i.e. having \(5\) coins of \(20\)p and \(10\) coins of \(10\)p is allowed.

Consider two congruent triangles \(ABC\) and \(A_1B_1C_1\). We draw a point \(M\) on the side \(BC\) and a point \(M_1\) on the side \(B_1C_1\) such that the ratio of lengths \(BM:MC\) is equal to the ratio of lengths \(B_1M_1:M_1C_1\). Prove that \(AM = A_1M_1\).

We call a median the segment from the vertex of a triangle to the midpoint of the opposite side. Prove that in two congruent triangles, the corresponding medians are of equal length.