
Found: 1508

Looking back at her diary, Natasha noticed that in the date 17/02/2008 the sum of the first four numbers are equal to the sum of the last four. When will this coincidence happen for the last time in 2008?

A magician with a blindfold gives a spectator five cards with the numbers from 1 to 5 written on them. The spectator hides two cards, and gives the other three to the assistant magician. The assistant indicates to the spectator two of them, and the spectator then calls out the numbers of these cards to the magician (in the order in which he wants). After that, the magician guesses the numbers of the cards hidden by the spectator. How can the magician and the assistant make sure that the trick always works?

In 10 boxes there are pencils (there are no empty boxes). It is known that in different boxes there is a different number of pencils, and in each box, all pencils are of different colors. Prove that from each box you can choose a pencil so that they will all be of different colors.

A block of cheese comes in packaging with parallel lines of different colours printed on it. If you cut along the red lines then you will get 5 slices of cheese, if you cut along the yellow lines then there will be 7 slices, and along the green lines you will get 11 slices. How many slices will you get if you cut along the lines of all three colours?

In Neverland, only elves and gnomes live. Gnomes lie about their gold, but in any other instances they tell the truth. Elves lie when talking about gnomes, but in other instances they tell the truth. One day two neverlandians said:

\(A\): All my gold I stole from the Dragon.

\(B\): You’re lying.

Determine whether each of them is an elf or a gnome.

Hannah has a calculator that allows you to multiply a number by 3, add 3 to the number or (4 if the number is divisible by 3 to make a whole number) divide by 3. How can the number 11 be made on this calculator from the number 1?

In the \(4 \times 4\) square, the cells in the left half are painted black, and the rest – in white. In one go, it is allowed to repaint all cells inside any rectangle in the opposite colour. How, in three goes, can one repaint the cells to get the board to look like a chessboard?

The product of two natural numbers, each of which is not divisible by 10, is equal to 1000. Find the sum of these two numbers.

An old analogue clock speeds up by 9 minutes after 24 hours. If you went to sleep at 22:00 and set the correct time on the clock, then for what time should the alarm be set if you want it to go off at exactly 6:00? Explain your answer.

A class has 25 pupils. It is known that for any two girls in the class, the number of male friends they have in the class is different. What is the maximum number of girls that it is possible for there to be in the class?