
Found: 1508

What is the maximum number of kings you could place on a chess board such that no two of them were attacking each other – that is, no two kings are on horizontally, vertically, or diagonally adjacent squares. Kings can move in any direction, but only one square at a time.

At the end of the month 5 workers were paid a total of £1,500 between them. Each wants to buy themselves a smartphone that costs £320. Prove that one of them will have to wait another month in order to do so.

Prove that within a group of \(51\) whole numbers there will be two whose difference of squares is divisible by \(100\).

A \(3\times 3\) square is filled with the numbers \(-1, 0, +1\). Prove that two of the 8 sums in all directions – each row, column, and diagonal – will be equal.

100 people are sitting around a round table. More than half of them are men. Prove that there are two males sitting opposite one another.

The alphabet of the Ni-Boom-Boom tribe contains 22 consonants and 11 vowels. A word in this language is defined as any combination of letters in which there are no consecutive consonants and no letter is used more than once. The alphabet is divided into 6 non-empty groups. Prove that it is possible to construct a word from all the letters in the group in at least one of the groups.

Is it possible to place the numbers \(-1, 0, 1\) in a \(6\times 6\) square such that the sums of each row, column, and diagonal are unique?

There are bacteria in a glass. After a second each bacterium divides in half to create two new bacteria. Then after another second these bacteria divide in half, and so on. After a minute the glass is full. After how much time will the glass be half full?

Anna, Vincent, Tom and Sarah each bought one apple for 10p from a fruit stand. How did they manage to do this, if they didn’t have any coins less than 20p and if the fruit stand didn’t have any change less than 50p?

A piece fell out of a book, the first page of which is the number 439, and the number of the last page is written with those same numbers in some other order. How many pages are in the fallen out piece?