
Found: 1508

In a graph, all the vertices have degree of 3. Prove that there is a cycle in it.

There are seven lakes in some country, connected by ten non-overlapping canals, and each lake can be reached from any other. How many islands are there in this country?

On the plane 100 circles are given, which make up a connected figure (that is, not falling apart into pieces). Prove that this figure can be drawn without taking the pencil off of the paper and going over any line twice.

Dan drew seven graphs on the board, each of which is a tree with six vertices. Prove that among them there are two which are isomorphic.

Eugenie, arriving from Big-island, said that there are several lakes connected by rivers. Three rivers flow from each lake, and four rivers flow into each lake. Prove that she is wrong.

In some country there is a capital and another 100 cities. Some cities (including the capital) are connected by one-way roads. From each non-capital city 20 roads emerge, and 21 roads enter each such city. Prove that you cannot travel to the capital from any city.

Several teams played a volleyball tournament amongst themselves. We will say that team \(A\) is better than team \(B\), if either \(A\) has either beaten team \(B\), or there exists such a team \(C\) that was beaten by \(A\), whilst \(C\) beat team \(B\).

a) Prove that there is a team that is better than all.

b) Prove that the team that won the tournament is the best.

Some two teams scored the same number of points in a volleyball tournament. Prove that there are teams \(A\), \(B\) and \(C\), in which \(A\) beat \(B\), \(B\) beat \(C\) and \(C\) beat \(A\).