
Found: 1508

Harry and Matt came down from a mountain. Harry walked on foot, and Matt went skiing, which was seven times faster than Harry. Halfway down, Matt fell, broke his skis and his leg, and hence travelled twice as slow as Harry. Who will descend first from the mountain?

A country is called a Fiver if, in it, each city is connected by airlines with exactly with five other cities (there are no international flights).

a) Draw a scheme of airlines for a country that is made up of 10 cities.

b) How many airlines are there in a country of 50 cities?

c) Can there be a Fiver country, in which there are exactly 46 airlines?

Does the number of 1999 occur in the Pascal triangle?

Find a natural number greater than one that occurs in the Pascal triangle a) more than three times; b) more than four times.

How many times greater is the sum of the numbers in the hundred and first line of the Pascal triangle than the sum of the numbers in the hundredth line?

Let’s put plus and minus signs in the 99th line of Pascal’s triangle. Between the first and second number there is a minus sign, between the second and the third there is a plus sign, between the third and the fourth there is a minus sign, then again a plus sign, and so on. Find the value of the resulting expression.

Prove there are no integer solutions for the equation \(3x^2 + 2 = y^2\).

Can seven phones be connected with wires so that each phone is connected to exactly three others?

a) Can 4 points be placed on a plane so that each of them is connected by segments with three points (without intersections)?

b) Can 6 points be placed on a plane and connected by non-intersecting segments so that exactly 4 segments emerge from each point?