
Found: 1508

Arrows are placed on the sides of a polygon. Prove that the number of vertices in which two arrows converge is equal to the number of vertices from which two arrows emerge.

In the government of the planet of liars and truth tellers there are \(101\) ministers. In order to reduce the budget, it was decided to reduce the number of ministers by \(1.\) But each of the ministers said that if they were to be removed from the government, then the majority of the remaining ministers would be liars. How many truth tellers and how many liars are there in the government?

Is it possible to fill an \(n\times n\) table with the numbers \(-1\), \(0\), \(1\), such that the sums of all the rows, columns, and diagonals are unique?

Of 11 balls, 2 are radioactive. For any set of balls in one check, you can find out if there is at least one radioactive ball in it (but you cannot tell how many of them are radioactive). Is it possible to find both radioactive balls in 7 checks?

In chess, ‘check’ is when the king is under threat of capture from another piece. What is the largest number of kings that it is possible to place on a standard \(8\times 8\) chess board so that no two check one another.

One and a half diggers dig for a half hour and end up having dug half a pit. How many pits will two diggers dig in two hours?

Find the first 99 decimal places in the number expansion of \((\sqrt{26} + 5)^{99}\).

Someone arranged a 10-volume collection of works in an arbitrary order. We call a “disturbance” a situation where there are two volumes for which a volume with a large number is located to the left. For this volume arrangement, we call the number \(S\) the number of all of the disturbances. What values can \(S\) take?

Each of the three cutlets should be fried in a pan on both sides for five minutes each side. Only two cutlets can fit onto the frying pan. Is it possible to fry all three cutlets more quickly than in 20 minutes (if the time to turn over and transfer the cutlets is neglected)?