
Found: 1507

The opposite sides of a convex hexagon are pairwise equal and parallel. Prove that it has a centre of symmetry.

A quadrilateral has an axis of symmetry. Prove that this quadrilateral is either an isosceles trapezoid or is symmetric with respect to its diagonal.

The symmetry axis of the polygon intersects its sides at points \(A\) and \(B\). Prove that the point \(A\) is either the vertex of the polygon or the middle of the side perpendicular to the axis of symmetry.

Prove that the triangle \(ABC\) is regular if and only if, by turning it by \(60^{\circ}\) (either clockwise or anticlockwise) with respect to point A, its vertex B moves to \(C\).

Two perpendicular straight lines are drawn through the centre of the square. Prove that their intersection points with the sides of a square form a square.

Prove that if you rotate through an angle of \(\alpha\) with the center at the origin, the point with the coordinates \((x, y)\), it goes to the point \((x \cos \alpha - y \sin \alpha, x \sin \alpha + y \cos \alpha)\).