
Found: 1123

The sequence \(a_1, a_2, \dots\) is such that \(a_1 \in (1,2)\) and \(a_{k + 1} = a_k + \frac{k}{a_k}\) for any positive integer \(k\). Prove that it cannot contain more than one pair of terms with an integer sum.The sequence \(a_1, a_2, \dots\) is such that \(a_1 \in (1,2)\) and \(a_{k + 1} = a_k + \frac{k}{a_k}\) for any positive integer \(k\). Prove that it cannot contain more than one pair of terms with an integer sum.

The function \(f (x)\) is defined on the positive real \(x\) and takes only positive values. It is known that \(f (1) + f (2) = 10\) and \(f(a+b) = f(a) + f(b) + 2\sqrt{f(a)f(b)}\) for any \(a\) and \(b\). Find \(f (2^{2011})\).

On a chessboard, \(n\) white and \(n\) black rooks are arranged so that the rooks of different colours cannot capture one another. Find the greatest possible value of \(n\).

Four numbers (from 1 to 9) have been used to create two numbers with four-digits each. These two numbers are the maximum and minimum numbers, respectively, possible. The sum of these two numbers is equal to 11990. What could the two numbers be?

There are a thousand tickets with numbers 000, 001, ..., 999 and a hundred boxes with the numbers 00, 01, ..., 99. A ticket is allowed to be dropped into a box if the number of the box can be obtained from the ticket number by erasing one of the digits. Is it possible to arrange all of the tickets into 50 boxes?

The nonzero numbers \(a\), \(b\), \(c\) are such that every two of the three equations \(ax^{11} + bx^4 + c = 0\), \(bx^{11} + cx^4 + a = 0\), \(cx^{11} + ax^4 + b = 0\) have a common root. Prove that all three equations have a common root.

The sequence of numbers \(a_1, a_2, \dots\) is given by the conditions \(a_1 = 1\), \(a_2 = 143\) and

for all \(n \geq 2\).

Prove that all members of the sequence are integers.