
Found: 1122

Prove that a convex \(n\)-gon is regular if and only if it is transformed into itself when it is rotated through an angle of \(360^{\circ}/n\) with respect to some point.

Prove that the midpoints of the sides of a regular polygon form a regular polygon.

Two circles \(c\) and \(d\) are tangent at point \(B\). Two straight lines intersecting the first circle at points \(D\) and \(E\) and the second circle at points \(G\) and \(F\) are drawn through the point \(B\). Prove that \(ED\) is parallel to \(FG\).

A ream of squared paper is shaded in two colours. Prove that there are two horizontal and two vertical lines, the points of intersection of which are shaded in the same colour.

There are 5 points inside an equilateral triangle with side of length 1. Prove that the distance between some two of them is less than 0.5.

a) A square of area 6 contains three polygons, each of area 3. Prove that among them there are two polygons that have an overlap of area no less than 1.

b) A square of area 5 contains nine polygons of area 1. Prove that among them there are two polygons that have an overlap of area no less than \(\frac{1}{9}\).

Suppose that \(n \geq 3\). Are there n points that do not lie on one line, whose pairwise distances are irrational, and the areas of all of the triangles with vertices in them are rational?

Do there exist three points \(A\), \(B\) and \(C\) on the plane such that for any point \(X\) the length of at least one of the segments \(XA\), \(XB\) and \(XC\) is irrational?