
Found: 1122

Prove the inequality: \[\frac{(b_1 + \dots b_n)^{b_1 + \dots b_n}}{(a_1 + \dots a_n)^{b_1 + \dots + b_n}}\leq \left(\frac{b_1}{a_1}\right)^{b_1}\dots \left( \frac{b_n}{a_n}\right)^{b_n}\] where all variables are considered positive.

Prove that if the function \(f (x)\) is convex upwards on the line \([a, b]\), then for any distinct points \(x_1, x_2\) in \([a; b]\) and for any positive \(\alpha_{1}, \alpha_{2}\) such that \(\alpha_{1} + \alpha_ {2} = 1\) the following inequality holds: \(f(\alpha_1 x_1 + \alpha_2 x_2 ) > \alpha_1 f (x_1) + \alpha_2 f(x_2)\).

Inequality of Jensen. Prove that if the function \(f (x)\) is convex upward on \([a, b]\), then for any distinct points \(x_1, x_2, \dots , x_n\) (\(n \geq 2\)) from \([a; b]\) and any positive \(\alpha_{1}, \alpha_{2}, \dots , \alpha_{n}\) such that \(\alpha_ {1} + \alpha_{2} + \dots + \alpha_{n} = 1\), the following inequality holds: \(f (\alpha_{1} x_1 + \dots + \alpha_{n} x_n) > \alpha_{1} f (x_1) + \dots + \alpha_{n} f (x_n)\).

Let \(p\) and \(q\) be positive numbers where \(1 / p + 1 / q = 1\). Prove that \[a_1b_1 + a_2b_2 + \dots + a_nb_n \leq (a_1^p + \dots a_n^p)^{1/p}(b_1^q +\dots + b_n^q)^{1/q}\] The values of the variables are considered positive.

Let \(f (x, y)\) be a harmonic function. Prove that the functions \(\Delta_{x} f (x, y) = f (x + 1, y) - f (x, y)\) and \(\Delta_{y}f(x , y) = f(x, y + 1) - f(x, y)\) will also be harmonic.

Prove that the polynomial \(P (x)\) is divisible by its derivative if and only if \(P (x)\) has the form \(P(x) = a_n(x - x_0)^n\).

Prove that for \(n > 0\) the polynomial \[P (x) = n^2x^{n + 2} - (2n^2 + 2n - 1) x^{n + 1} + (n + 1)^2x^n - x - 1\] is divisible by \((x - 1)^3\).

Prove that for \(n> 0\) the polynomial \(x^{2n + 1} - (2n + 1)x^{n + 1} + (2n + 1)x^n - 1\) is divisible by \((x - 1)^3\).

A class contains 33 pupils, who have a combined age of 430 years. Prove that if we picked the 20 oldest pupils they would have a combined age of no less than 260 years. The age of any given pupil is a whole number.

The height of the room is 3 meters. When it was being renovated, it turned out that more paint was needed on each wall than on the floor. Can the area of the floor of this room be more than 10 square meters?