
Found: 1122

When 200 sweets are randomly distributed to a class of schoolchildren, there will always be at least two children who receive the same number of sweets or even no sweets at all. What is the minimum number of children in this class?

At a round table, there are 10 people, each of whom is either a knight who always speaks the truth, or a liar who always lies. Two of them said: “Both my neighbors are liars,” and the remaining eight stated: “Both my neighbors are knights.” How many knights could there be among these 10 people?

There are 23 students in a class. During the year, each student of this class celebrated their birthday once, which was attended by some (at least one, but not all) of their classmates. Could it happen that every two pupils of this class met each other the same number of times at such celebrations? (It is believed that at every party every two guests met, and also the birthday person met all the guests.)

A mix of boys and girls are standing in a circle. There are 20 children in total. It is known that each boys’ neighbour in the clockwise direction is a child wearing a blue T-shirt, and that each girls’ neighbour in the anticlockwise direction is a child wearing a red T-shirt. Is it possible to uniquely determine how many boys there are in the circle?

In a \(10 \times 10\) square, all of the cells of the upper left \(5 \times 5\) square are painted black and the rest of the cells are painted white. What is the largest number of polygons that can be cut from this square (on the boundaries of the cells) so that in every polygon there would be three times as many white cells than black cells? (Polygons do not have to be equal in shape or size.)

Author: A. Khrabrov

Do there exist integers \(a\) and \(b\) such that

a) the equation \(x^2 + ax + b = 0\) does not have roots, and the equation \(\lfloor x^2\rfloor + ax + b = 0\) does have roots?

b) the equation \(x^2 + 2ax + b = 0\) does not have roots, and the equation \(\lfloor x^2\rfloor + 2ax + b = 0\) does have roots?

Note that here, square brackets represent integers and curly brackets represent non-integer values or 0.

a) There is an unlimited set of cards with the words “abc”, “bca”, “cab” written. Of these, the word written is determined according to this rule. For the initial word, any card can be selected, and then on each turn to the existing word, you can either add on a card to the left or to the right, or cut the word anywhere (between the letters) and put a card there. Is it possible to make a palindrome with this method?

b) There is an unlimited set of red cards with the words “abc”, “bca”, “cab” and blue cards with the words “cba”, “acb”, “bac”. Using them, according to the same rules, a palindrome was made. Is it true that the same number of red and blue cards were used?

For the anniversary of the London Mathematical Olympiad, the mint coined three commemorative coins. One coin turned out correctly, the second coin on both sides had two heads, and the third had tails on both sides. The director of the mint, without looking, chose one of these three coins and tossed it at random. She got heads. What is the probability that the second side of this coin also has heads?

In the triangle \(ABC\), the angle \(A\) is equal to \(40^{\circ}\). The triangle is randomly thrown onto a table. Find the probability that the vertex \(A\) lies east of the other two vertices.

At a factory known to us, we cut out metal disks with a diameter of 1 m. It is known that a disk with a diameter of exactly 1 m weighs exactly 100 kg. During manufacturing, a measurement error occurs, and therefore the standard deviation of the radius is 10 mm. Engineer Gavin believes that a stack of 100 disks on average will weigh 10,000 kg. By how much is the engineer Gavin wrong?