
Found: 1122

In a certain kingdom there were 32 knights. Some of them were vassals of others (a vassal can have only one suzerain, and the suzerain is always richer than his vassal). A knight with at least four vassals is given the title of Baron. What is the largest number of barons that can exist under these conditions?

(In the kingdom the following law is enacted: “the vassal of my vassal is not my vassal”).

A gang contains 101 gangsters. The whole gang has never taken part in a raid together, but every possible pair of gangsters have taken part in a raid together exactly once. Prove that one of the gangsters has taken part in no less than 11 different raids.

An after school club was attended by 60 pupils. It turns out that in any group of 10 there will always be 3 classmates. Prove that within the group of 60 who attended there will always be at least 15 pupils from the same class.

4 points \(a, b, c, d\) lie on the segment \([0, 1]\) of the number line. Prove that there will be a point \(x\), lying in the segment \([0, 1]\), that satisfies \[\frac{1}{ | x-a |}+\frac{1}{ | x-b |}+\frac{1}{ | x-c |}+\frac{1}{ | x-d |} < 40.\]

Two play tic-tac-toe on a \(10 \times 10\) board according to the following rules. First they fill the whole board with noughts and crosses, putting them in turn (the first player puts crosses, their partner – noughts). Then two numbers are counted: \(K\) is the number of five consecutively standing crosses and \(H\) is the number of five consecutively standing zeros. (Five, standing horizontally, vertically and parallel to the diagonal are counted, if there are six crosses in a row, this gives two fives, if there are seven, then three, etc.). The number \(K-H\) is considered to be the winnings of the first player (the losses of the second).

a) Does the first player have a winning strategy?

b) Does the first player have a non-losing strategy?

Some real numbers \(a_1, a_2, a_3,\dots ,a _{2022}\) are written in a row. Prove that it is possible to pick one or several adjacent numbers, so that their sum is less than 0.001 away from a whole number.

a) Could an additional \(6\) digits be added to any \(6\)-digit number starting with a \(5\), so that the \(12\)-digit number obtained is a complete square?

b) The same question but for a number starting with a \(1\).

c) Find for each \(n\) the smallest \(k = k (n)\) such that to each \(n\)-digit number you can assign \(k\) more digits so that the resulting \((n + k)\)-digit number is a complete square.

17 squares are marked on an \(8\times 8\) chessboard. In chess a knight can move horizontally or vertically, one space then two or two spaces then one – eg: two down and one across, or one down and two across. Prove that it is always possible to pick two of these squares so that a knight would need no less than three moves to get from one to the other.

A square is cut by 18 straight lines, 9 of which are parallel to one side of the square and the other 9 parallel to the other – perpendicular to the first 9 – dividing the square into 100 rectangles. It turns out that exactly 9 of these rectangles are squares. Prove that among these 9 squares there will be two that are identical.

In a row there are 2023 numbers. The first number is 1. It is known that each number, except the first and the last, is equal to the sum of two neighboring ones. Find the last number.