
Found: 791

At what value of \(k\) is the quantity \(A_k = (19^k + 66^k)/k!\) at its maximum?

It is known that a camera located at \(O\) cannot see the objects \(A\) and \(B\), where the angle \(AOB\) is greater than \(179^\circ\). 1000 such cameras are placed in a Cartesian plane. All of the cameras simultaneously take a picture. Prove that there will be a picture taken in which no more than 998 cameras are visible.

In the country of Mara there are several castles. Three roads lead from each castle. A knight left from one of the castles. Traveling along the roads, he turns from each castle standing in his way, either to the right or to the left depending on the road on which he came. The knight never turns to the side which he turned before it. Prove that one day he will return to the original castle.

Two identical gears have 32 teeth. They were combined and 6 pairs of teeth were simultaneously removed. Prove that one gear can be rotated relative to the other so that in the gaps in one gear where teeth were removed the second gear will have whole teeth.

The sum of 100 natural numbers, each of which is no greater than 100, is equal to 200. Prove that it is possible to pick some of these numbers so that their sum is equal to 100.

A spherical sun is observed to have a finite number of circular sunspots, each of which covers less than half of the sun’s surface. These sunspots are said to be enclosed, that is no two sunspots can touch, and they do not overlap with one another. Prove that the sun will have two diametrically opposite points that are not covered by sunspots.

At what value of \(k\) is the quantity \(A_k = (19^k + 66^k)/k!\) at its maximum? You are given a number \(x\) that is greater than 1. Is the following inequality necessarily fulfilled \(\lfloor \sqrt{\!\sqrt{x}}\rfloor = \lfloor \sqrt{\!\sqrt{x}}\rfloor\)?

In a square with side length 1 there is a broken line, which does not self-intersect, whose length is no less than 200. Prove that there is a straight line parallel to one of the sides of the square that intersects the broken line at a point no less than 101 units along the line.