
Found: 790

Daniel has drawn on a sheet of paper a circle and a dot inside it. Show that he can cut a circle into two parts which can be used to make a circle in which the marked point would be the center.

Elon is studying the Twitter server. Inside the software he found two integer variables \(a\) and \(b\) which change their values when special search queries “RED”, “GREEN”, and “BLUE” are processed. More precisely the pair \((a, b)\) changes into \((a + 18b, 18a - b)\) when processing the query “RED”, to \((17a + 6b, -6a + 17b)\) when processing “GREEN”, and to \((-10a - 15b, 15a - 10b)\) when processing “BLUE”. When any of \(a\) or \(b\) reaches a multiple of \(324\), it resets to \(0\). If \((a, b) = (0, 0)\) the server crashes. On the server startup, the variables \((a, b)\) are set to \((20, 20)\). Prove that the server will never crash with these initial values, regardless of the search queries processed.

Is it possible to cut an equilateral triangle into three equal hexagons?

A labyrinth was drawn on a \(5\times 5\) grid square with an outer wall and an exit one cell wide, as well as with inner walls running along the grid lines. In the picture, we have hidden all the inner walls from you (We give you several copies to facilitate drawing) imageimageimage
Please draw how the walls were arranged. Keep in mind that the numbers in the cells represent the smallest number of steps needed to exit the maze, starting from that cell. A step can be taken to any adjacent cell vertically or horizontally, but not diagonally (and only if there is no wall between them, of course).

Is it possible to cut this figure, called "camel"

  • a) along the grid lines;

  • b) not necessarily along the grid lines;

into \(3\) parts, which you can use to build a square?
(We give you several copies to facilitate drawing)

The triangle \(ABC\) is equilateral. The point \(K\) is chosen on the side \(AB\) and points \(L\) and \(M\) are on the side \(BC\) in such a way that \(L\) lies on the segment \(BM\). We have the following properties: \(KL = KM,\) \(BL = 2,\, AK = 3.\) Find the length of \(CM\).

Consider a quadrilateral \(ABCD\). Choose a point \(E\) on side \(AB\). A line parallel to the diagonal \(AC\) is drawn through \(E\) and meets \(BC\) at \(F\). Then a line parallel to the other diagonal \(BD\) is drawn through \(F\) and meets \(CD\) at \(G\). And then a line parallel to the first diagonal \(AC\) is drawn through \(G\) and meets \(DA\) at \(H\). Prove the \(EH\) is parallel to the diagonal \(BD\).

There are \(16\) cubes, each face of every cube is coloured yellow, black, or red (different cubes can be coloured differently). After looking at their colouring pattern, Pinoccio said that he could put all the cubes on the table in such a way that only the yellow color would be visible, on the next turn he could put the cubes in such a way that only the black color would be visible, and also he could put them in such a way that only the red color would be visible. Is there a colouring of the cubes such that he could tell the truth?

Find the representation of \((a+b)^n\) as the sum of \(X_{n,k}a^kb^{n-k}\) for general \(n\). Here by \(X_{n,k}\) we denote coefficients that depend only on \(k\) and \(n\).

The positive real numbers \(a, b, c, x, y\) satisfy the following system of equations: \[\left\{ \begin{aligned} x^2 + xy + y^2 = a^2\\ y^2 + yz + z^2 = b^2\\ x^2 + xz + z^2 = c^2 \end{aligned} \right.\]

Find the value of \(xy + yz + xz\) in terms of \(a, b,\) and \(c.\)