
Found: 790

Find all solutions of the system of equations: \[\left\{ \begin{aligned} (x+y)^3=z\\ (x+z)^3=y\\ (y+z)^3=x \end{aligned} \right.\]

Find a representation as a product of \(a^{2n+1} + b^{2n+1}\) for general \(a,b,n\).

Find a representation as a product of \(a^n - b^n\) for general \(a,b,n\).

Each integer point on the numerical axis is colored either white or black and the numbers \(2016\) and \(2017\) are colored differently. Prove that there are three identically colored integers which sum up to zero.

Can three points with integer coordinates be the vertices of an equilateral triangle?

Prove that there are infinitely many prime numbers \(\{2,3,5,7,11,13...\}\).

A rectangular parallelepiped of the size \(m\times n\times k\) is divided into unit cubes. How many rectangular parallelepipeds are formed in total (including the original one)?

The dragon locked six dwarves in the cave and said, "I have seven caps of the seven colors of the rainbow. Tomorrow morning I will blindfold you and put a cap on each of you, and hide one cap. Then I’ll take off the blindfolds, and you can see the caps on the heads of others, but not your own and I won’t let you talk any more. After that, everyone will secretly tell me the color of the hidden cap. If at least three of you guess right, I’ll let you all go. If less than three guess correctly, I’ll eat you all for lunch." How can dwarves agree in advance to act in order to be saved?

In the triangle \(ABC\) the angle \(\angle ABC = 120^{\circ}\). The segments \(AF,\, BE\), and \(CD\) are the bisectors of the corresponding angles of the triangle \(ABC\). Prove that the angle \(\angle DEF = 90^{\circ}\).

In the triangle \(ABC\) the lines \(AE\) and \(CD\) are the bisectors of the angles \(\angle BAC\) and \(\angle BCA\), intersecting at the point \(I\). In the triangle \(BDE\) the lines \(DG\) and \(EF\) are the bisectors of the angles \(\angle BDE\) and \(\angle BED\), intersecting at the point \(H\). Prove that the points \(B,\,H,\, I\) are situated on one straight line.