Problem #PRU-5078

Problems Mathematical logic Mathematical induction


Theorem: All people have the same eye color.

"Proof" by induction: This is clearly true for one person.

Now, assume we have a finite set of people, denote them as \(a_1,\, a_2,\, ...,\,a_n\), and the inductive hypothesis is true for all smaller sets. Then if we leave aside the person \(a_1\), everyone else \(a_2,\, a_3,\,...,\,a_n\) has the same color of eyes and if we leave aside \(a_n\), then all \(a_1,\, a_2,\,a_3,...,\,a_{n-1}\) also have the same color of eyes. Thus any \(n\) people have the same color of eyes.
Find a mistake in this "proof".