
Found: 3

In a parallelogram \(ABCD\), point \(E\) belongs to the side \(CD\) and point \(F\) belongs to the side \(BC\). Show that the total red area is the same as the total blue area:

In a parallelogram \(ABCD\), point \(E\) belongs to the side \(AB\), point \(F\) belongs to the side \(CD\) and point \(G\) belongs to the side \(AD\). What is more, the marked red segments \(AE\) and \(CF\) have equal lengths. Prove that the total grey area is equal to the total black area.

The height of the room is 3 meters. When it was being renovated, it turned out that more paint was needed on each wall than on the floor. Can the area of the floor of this room be more than 10 square meters?