There is a counter on the chessboard. Two in turn move the counter to an adjacent on one side cell. It is forbidden to put a counter on a cell, which it has already visited. The one who can not make the next turn loses. Who wins with the right strategy?
There are two piles of rocks, \(10\) rocks in each pile. Fred and George play a game, taking the rocks away. They are allowed to take any number of rocks only from one pile per turn. The one who has nothing to take loses. If Fred starts, who has the winning strategy?
Alice the fox and Basilio the cat have grown \(20\) counterfeit bills on a money tree and now write seven-digit numbers on them. Each bill has \(7\) empty cells for numbers. Basilio calls out one digit "1" or "2" (he doesn’t know the others), and Alice writes the number into any empty cell of any bill and shows the result to Basilio. When all the cells are filled, Basilio takes as many bills with different numbers as possible (out of several with the same number, he takes only one), and the rest is taken by Alice. What is the largest number of bills Basilio can get, regardless of Alice’s actions?
You and I are going to play a game. We have one million grains of sand in a bag. We take it in turns to remove \(2\), \(3\) or \(5\) grains of sand from the bag. The first person that cannot make a move loses.
Would you go first?
There are \(n\) balls labelled 1 to \(n\). If there are \(m\) boxes labelled 1 to \(m\) containing the \(n\) balls, a legal position is one in which the box containing the ball \(i\) has number at most the number on the box containing the ball \(i+1\), for every \(i\).
There are two types of legal moves: 1. Add a new empty box labelled \(m+1\) and pick a box from box 1 to \(m+1\), say the box \(j\). Move the balls in each box with (box) number at least \(j\) up by one box. 2. Pick a box \(j\), shift the balls in the boxes with (box) number strictly greater than \(j\) down by one box. Then remove the now empty box \(m\).
Prove it is possible to go from an initial position with \(n\) boxes with the ball \(i\) in the box \(i\) to any legal position with \(m\) boxes within \(n+m\) legal moves.
Two players are playing a game with a heap of \(100\) rocks, and they take turns removing rocks from the heap. The rules are the following: the first player takes one rock, the second can take either one or two rocks, then the first player can take one, two or three rocks, then the second can take \(1\), \(2\), \(3\) or \(4\) rocks from the pile and so on. That is, on each turn, the players have one more option for the number of rocks that they can take. The one who takes the last rock wins. Who has the winning strategy?