
Found: 412

a) Can 4 points be placed on a plane so that each of them is connected by segments with three points (without intersections)?

b) Can 6 points be placed on a plane and connected by non-intersecting segments so that exactly 4 segments emerge from each point?

For which \(n > 3\), can a set of weights with masses of \(1, 2, 3, ..., n\) grams be divided into three groups of equal mass?

A spherical planet is surrounded by 25 point asteroids. Prove, that at any given moment there will be a point on the surface of the planet from which an astronomer will not be able to see more than 11 asteroids.

There are \(n\) cities in a country. Between each two cities an air service is established by one of two airlines. Prove that out of these two airlines at least one is such that from any city you can get to any other city whilst traveling on flights only of this airline.

In the secret service, there are \(n\) agents – 001, 002, ..., 007, ..., \(n\). The first agent monitors the one who monitors the second, the second monitors the one who monitors the third, etc., the nth monitors the one who monitors the first. Prove that \(n\) is an odd number.

In a square which has sides of length 1 there are 100 figures, the total area of which sums to more than 99. Prove that in the square there is a point which belongs to all of these figures.

You are given a table of size \(m \times n\) (\(m, n > 1\)). In it, the centers of all cells are marked. What is the largest number of marked centers that can be chosen so that no three of them are the vertices of a right triangle?