
Found: 86

The polynomial \(P (x)\) of degree \(n\) has \(n\) distinct real roots.

What is the largest number of its coefficients that can be equal to zero?

For what natural numbers \(n\) are there positive rational but not whole numbers \(a\) and \(b\), such that both \(a + b\) and \(a^n + b^n\) are integers?

The base of the pyramid is a square. The height of the pyramid crosses the diagonal of the base. Find the largest volume of such a pyramid if the perimeter of the diagonal section containing the height of the pyramid is 5.

The volume of the regular quadrangular pyramid \(SABCD\) is equal to \(V\). The height \(SP\) of the pyramid is the edge of the regular tetrahedron \(SPQR\), the plane of the face \(PQR\) which is perpendicular to the edge \(SC\). Find the volume of the common part of these pyramids.