
Found: 41

A continuous function \(f(x)\) is such that for all real \(x\) the following inequality holds: \(f(x^2) - (f (x))^2 \geq 1/4\). Is it true that the function \(f(x)\) necessarily has an extreme point?

The function \(f (x)\) is defined on the positive real \(x\) and takes only positive values. It is known that \(f (1) + f (2) = 10\) and \(f(a+b) = f(a) + f(b) + 2\sqrt{f(a)f(b)}\) for any \(a\) and \(b\). Find \(f (2^{2011})\).

Let \(x_1, x_2, \dots , x_n\) be some numbers belonging to the interval \([0, 1]\). Prove that on this segment there is a number \(x\) such that \[\frac{1}{n} (|x - x_1| + |x - x_2| + \dots + |x - x_n|) = 1/2.\]

On a function \(f (x)\), defined on the entire real line, it is known that for any \(a>1\) the function \(f (x) + f (ax)\) is continuous on the whole line. Prove that \(f (x)\) is also continuous on the whole line.

Construct a function defined at all points on a real line which is continuous at exactly one point.

Let \(f (x)\) be a polynomial about which it is known that the equation \(f (x) = x\) has no roots. Prove that then the equation \(f (f (x)) = x\) does not have any roots.

Let \(f\) be a continuous function defined on the interval \([0; 1]\) such that \(f (0) = f (1) = 0\). Prove that on the segment \([0; 1]\) there are 2 points at a distance of 0.1 at which the function \(f 4(x)\) takes equal values.

A convex figure and point \(A\) inside it are given. Prove that there is a chord (that is, a segment joining two boundary points of a convex figure) passing through point \(A\) and dividing it in half at point \(A\).