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Two people had two square cakes. Each person made 2 straight cuts from edge to edge on their cake. After doing this, one person ended up with three pieces, and the other with four. How could this be?

What is the maximum number of pieces that a round pancake can be divided into with three straight cuts?

In Neverland, there are magic laws of nature, one of which reads: “A magic carpet will fly only when it has a rectangular shape.” Frosty the Snowman had a magic carpet measuring \(9 \times 12\). One day, the Grinch crept up and cut off a small rug of size \(1 \times 8\) from this carpet. Frosty was very upset and wanted to cut off another \(1 \times 4\) piece to make a rectangle of \(8 \times 12\), but the Wise Owl suggested that he act differently. Instead he cut the carpet into three parts, of which a square magic carpet with a size of \(10 \times 10\) could be sown with magic threads. Can you guess how the Wise Owl restructured the ruined carpet?

Is it possible to cut a square into four parts so that each part touches each of the other three (ie has common parts of a border)?

Twenty-eight dominoes can be laid out in various ways in the form of a rectangle of \(8 \times 7\) cells. In Fig. 1–4 four variants of the arrangement of the figures in the rectangles are shown. Can you arrange the dominoes in the same arrangements as each of these options?

An entire set of dominoes, except for 0-0, was laid out as shown in the figure. Different letters correspond to different numbers, the same – the same. The sum of the points in each line is 24. Try to restore the numbers.

In an ordinary set of dominoes, there are 28 tiles. How many tiles would a set of dominoes contain if the values indicated on the tiles did not range from 0 to 6, but from 0 to 12?

A square piece of paper is cut into 6 pieces, each of which is a convex polygon. 5 of the pieces are lost, leaving only one piece in the form of a regular octagon (see the drawing). Is it possible to reconstruct the original square using just this information?