
Found: 220

We want to wrap \(12\) Christmas presents in different coloured paper. We have \(6\) different patterns of paper and we want to use each one exactly twice. In how many ways can we do this?

Mr Roberts wants to place his little stone sculptures of vegetables on the different shelves around the house. He has \(17\) sculptures in total and three shelves that can fit \(7\), \(8\) and \(2\) sculptures respectively. In how many ways can he do this?
The order of sculptures on the shelf does not matter.

Find the largest possible number of bishops that can be placed on the \(8 \times 8\) chessboard so that no two bishops threaten each other.

Theorem: If we mark \(n\) points on a circle and connect each point to every other point by a straight line, the lines divide the interior of the circle is into is \(2n-1\) regions.
"Proof": First, let’s have a look at the smallest natural numbers.

  • When \(n=1\) there is one region (the whole disc).

  • When \(n=2\) there are two regions (two half-discs).

  • When \(n=3\) there are \(4\) regions (three lune-like regions and one triangle in the middle).

  • When \(n=4\) there are \(8\) regions, and if you’re still not convinced then try \(n=5\) and you’ll find \(16\) regions if you count carefully.

Our proof in general will be by induction on \(n\). Assuming the theorem is true for \(n\) points, consider a circle with \(n+1\) points on it. Connecting \(n\) of them together in pairs produces \(2n-1\) regions in the disc, and then connecting the remaining point to all the others will divide the previous regions into two parts, thereby giving us \(2\times (2n-1)=2n\) regions.

In how many ways can you read the word TRAIN from the picture below, starting from T and going either down or right at each step?

There are \(33\) cities in the Republic of Farfarawayland. The delegation of senators wants to pick a new capital city. They want this city to be connected by roads to every other city in the Republic. They know for a fact that given any set of \(16\) cities, there will always be some city that is connected by roads to all those selected cities. Show that there exists a suitable candidate for the capital.

A group of schoolboys are going to walk down a narrow path in a straight line, one behind the other. There are \(11\) boys, and among them are Will, Tom, and Alex. If exactly two of them walk directly next to each other, they will start arguing. But if the three of them are all next to each other, in any order, the third one will always break the argument of the other two. We don’t want any arguments to persist. How many ways are there to order all \(11\) boys?

For a natural number \(n\) consider a regular \(2n\)-gon, with every vertex coloured either blue or green. It is known that the number of blue vertices equals the number of green vertices. Show that the number of main diagonals (passing through the centre of the \(2n\)-gon) with both ends blue is the same as the number of main diagonals with both ends green.

Jess and Tess are playing a game colouring points on a white plane. Jess is moving first, she chooses a colourless point on a plane and colours it red. Then Tess makes a move, she chooses \(2022\) colourless points on the plane and colours them all green. Jess then moves again, and they take turns. Jess wins if she manages to create a red equilateral triangle on the plane, Tess is trying to prevent that from happening. Will Jess always eventually win?

Can you cover a \(10 \times 10\) board using only \(T\)-shaped tetrominos?