
Found: 220

In an \(5\times 5\) board one corner was removed. Is it possible to cover the remaining board with linear trominos (\(1\times 3\) blocks)?

Is it possible to cover a \(6 \times 6\) board with the \(L\)-tetraminos without overlapping? The pieces can be flipped and turned.

Is it possible to cover a \((4n+2) \times (4n+2)\) board with the \(L\)-tetraminos without overlapping for any \(n\)? The pieces can be flipped and turned.

Is it possible to cover a \(4n \times 4n\) board with the \(L\)-tetraminos without overlapping for any \(n\)? The pieces can be flipped and turned.

In the \(n\times n\) table, the two opposite corner squares are black and the rest are white. Find the smallest number of white cells that is enough to be repainted black in order to make all the cells of the table black with only there transformations: repaint all the cells of one column, or all the cells of one row into the opposite colour.

A family is going on a big holiday, visiting Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark and Estonia. They want to go to Estonia before Bulgaria. How many ways can they visit the five countries, subject to this constraint?

How many subsets of \(\{1,2,...,n\}\) (that is, the integers from \(1\) to \(n\)) have an even product? For the purposes of this question, take the product of the numbers in the empty set to be \(1\).

How many subsets are there of \(\{1,2,...,n\}\) (the integers from \(1\) to \(n\) inclusive) containing no consecutive digits? That is, we do count \(\{1,3,6,8\}\) but do not count \(\{1,3,6,7\}\).

In the following grid, how many different ways are there of getting from the bottom left triangle to the bottom right triangle? You must only go from between triangles that share an edge and you can visit each triangle at most once. (You don’t have to visit all of the triangles.)
